3 types of buses

Address bus It is unidirectional, and is used to transmit memory addresses within the CPU to and from RAM.
Data bus It is bi-directional and carries data from the CPU to memory (and vice versa)
Control bus It is bi-directional and is used to transmit control signals that are sent by the CU (control unit)

Components in a CPU

(3.1.2) The Von Neumann model has several components that are used in the fetch‑execute cycle. One component is the [Insert Component]. Describe the role of the [Insert Component]. [3 or 4 marks]

Components Role of Component
Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) Carries out calculations [1m] and logical operations [1m] and holds intermediate values during calculations [1m] that is stored in a register called the accumulator [1m]
Control Unit (CU) Controls operation of memory, processor and Input/output [1m] where instructions are interpreted [1m] and signals is sent to other components telling them what to do [1m]

Registers in a CPU

Register Role of the register
CIR, Current instruction register This register stores the current instruction being decoded and executed.
ACC, Accumulator This register is used when carrying out ALU calculations. It stores intermediate data during the calculations.
MAR, Memory address register This register stores the address of the memory location currently being read from or written to.
MDR, Memory data register This register stores data which has just been read from memory or data which is about to be written to memory.
PC, Program counter Stores the address where the next instruction to be read can be found